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Baywater Animal Rescue Pet Adoption Application
Fill out the form below and click submit at the bottom of the page. THANK YOU from Baywater and all of our animals. We can't wait to introduce you to your best friend!
Our tax-deductible adoption fee includes spay/neuter, age-appropriate vaccinations, deworming, microchipping, and applicable testing such as heartworm, FIV/FeLV blood tests, and fecal.
Indicates required field
Birthdate (mm/dd/yyyy)
Format (mm/dd/yyyy)
Co-Applicant Name
Co-Applicant Birthdate
Format (mm/dd/yyyy)
Animal Type
Phone Number
Animal Choice 1:
Is there a specific pet from our website you would like to meet?
Animal Choice 2:
Is there a specific pet from our website you would like to meet?
Home Address
Line 1
Line 2
Zip Code
Current Home Address
Years at Current Address
How long have you lived at your current address?
Previous Address if Less Than 5 Years at Current
Line 1
Line 2
Zip Code
Housing Type
Home, Apartment, or Other
Do you rent, own, or live with family/others?
Home Owner
Live with Family/Others
Landlord Name
Provide your landlord's name if you are a renter.
Landlord Phone
We will contact your landlord before approving your application.
List the ages of any children under the age of 18 in the household
Only a list of ages are needed. If not applicable put "N/A" or "None."
List the names and birthdates of other adults over the age of 18 in the household
Only list names and birthdates. If not applicable put "N/A" or "None."
Are children under the age of 10 in your home often?
List Current Animals in Household (Include Pet Type, Name, Breed, Sex, and Age)
Must include type, name, breed, sex, and age. If not applicable put "N/A" or "None."
Veterinarian / Clinic
Name the Vet or Clinic you currently use or have used in the past.
Do You Need a Vet Recommendation?
Yes, I need a Vet
No, I have a Preferred Vet
Are The current pets in your household spayed/Neutered?
Not Applicable
Where will this pet primarily reside? (Indoors, Outdoors, Etc.)
Have you ever had to give up a pet in the past? If so, why?
What are the 3 most important qualities you are looking for in your pet?
Will you train your pet as needed or seek guidance from a trainer?
Are you financially prepared to take this animal for a complete veterinary exam within 30 days of adoption?
Does anyone in your household have allergies to pets?
I understand that the falsification or omission of any of the above information will result in automatic refusal of adoption or confiscation of the adopted animal- We maintain the right to refuse any application at our discretion. We maintain the right to complete a home check.. I authorize BAR to verify the validity of any information contained in this application.. Please initial in the box below to show you. have read and agree.
Please Initial
We cannot guarantee an animal’s temperament. Our Animal Care Supervisor and/or veterinarian examine all animals upon entry. Their health is routinely monitored while at the shelter but there is always a chance that an animal is incubating a disease without showing any clinical signs.
Please Initial
Please don't forget to click SUBMIT button at the bottom of this form. Thanks!
By submitting this form:
I acknowledge that I am at least 18 years of age;
I acknowledge that I have a state-issued photo ID showing my current address and age;
I have the knowledge and consent of my landlord or homeowner;
I have the knowledge and consent of all adults living in the household;
I understand that BAR reserves the right to verify any information on this application, including a property verification with landlord or homeowner and vaccination history of prior or current pets, and vet references;
I am able and willing to spend the time and money necessary to provide medical treatment and proper care for a pet;
I hereby authorize Baywater Animal Rescue to contact my landlord to verify that the information on this form is correct (if applicant is currently renting home)
I authorize Baywater Animal rescue to contact my veterinarian(s) to obtain any information needed to process my application (if applicant has additional animals at home)
I understand that Baywater Animal Rescue may not be able to adopt the animal of my choice and reserves the right to choose the best qualified home for the animal.
Please bring a photocopy of a government approved identification when you visit the shelter to finalize the adoption.
For a printable version please
click here
and email it to us at
[email protected]
or bring it to us in person at the shelter.
Barn Cats
Community Cats
Adoption Application
About Volunteering
Dog Foster Packet
Foster App & Waiver Liability
Rescue Pet Sleepover
Save An Animal General Donation
Brick Fundraiser
In Memory Of Tribute Donation
In Honor Of Tribute Donation
Planned Giving
Wish Lists
Capital Campaign
About Us
Connect with Us
Mission Statement
Vision Statement
Board of Directors & Staff
Best Friends Network Partner
Our Work
Community Spay & Neuter Program
MD Spay & Neuter Grant Program 2025
Adoption Love Stories
Animal Intake
Barn Cats
Pet Food Bank
Animal Statistics
Luke & Sydney
Upcoming Events
A Touch of Tuscany 2024
Run Fur Their Lives 5K
Autumn Gala 2023