Photographs of Ollie by Michelle Lynn Art & Photography, Kent Island
I can’t believe that I have made it this far without losing my life. Literally, I am a four-legged gangster. I dodged the officers for so long, living on the streets that I was invincible! My parents left me on the side of the road and just drove away. I waited for days hoping they would come back. I never left the side of the road, but they never showed.
The first time I was in the slammer, I got adopted real quick. But, their kid, the human one, poked me straight in my eyeball, so I bit him. I mean, just to teach him a lesson, ya know? Only, guess what? I ended up back in the slammer. Again. Only this time, I didn’t have much time left. Those Texas shelters get real crowded and pretty soon, your number is up. I know this because dogs to the left and to the right of me disappeared daily.
Suddenly, two human feet appeared. I thought that this was the end for sure. I was put in a crate and shoved into the back of a car. Only, I ended up at another kennel in a veterinarians office. Those gals were MUCH nicer. I was there for a while, until I was once again loaded into a car and off we went to Florida to another rescue. I lived there for a little while, but it wasn’t like a family or anything. The other dogs were nice, but it wasn’t a real home.
Finally, off we went again - me and 5 of the other dogs - and we drove for what seemed like forever. They were all over me - stepping on my back, biting my ears. Traveling with puppies is anything but fun. And, man do those babies stink. I am not sure how or why something that small can stink so badly, but they do.
Finally, we arrived at a placed called “Baywater Animal Rescue”, a “NO-KILL” Shelter which means that all the animals there are safe from euthanasia and smells real nice, unlike some of the other holes I’ve lived in!
It was there that I met my Mom. I mean, my REAL Mom. The Never-Leave-Me-Even-When-I-Poop-On-The-Floor Mom. She’s a real one, I tell ya. I gave her the EYES. You know, the sad, soulful ones. And she gave me the eyes. The “let’s get you out of here” eyes. And so the deal was set. Off we went for home.
Just like that, I sleep on the bed. I go places. I have doggie siblings to play with. It’s a good life, but I have had a long, hard road getting here, and there are so many more out there like me. Lost. Abandoned. Abused. UnLoved.
My Mom, she works hard to make sure I have a good life. But, she also works tirelessly to bring in other dogs who are a little lost. Maybe banged up a bit. But still just as important as I was. She knows that we aren’t going to quit until just one more life is saved. |
And, that, essentially, is why I love my Mom. See! Aren't we cute? WE LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH!!! Oh, and she shares her bacon in the morning. A guy has to have priorities, right? The one thing I know for sure is that she would NEVER leave me on the side of the road. I know that is true because she says to me, over and over, “It’s Ok, Ollie, you’re my baby, now.” I’m safe.